Precious Plastic Alentejo is a European Solidarity Corps
project number 2020-3-PT02-ESC11-007468
And with the funding of the Erasmus+ Program and support of the Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Juventude em Ação
What is Precious Plastic?
Precious Plastic is an open hardware plastic recycling project started by Dutch designer Dave Hakens in 2013, that spread through the world. In 2017 Buinho built a Precious Plastic shredder, injector, extruder, and compressor, becoming the first Alentejo chapter of this worldwide project.
You may find more information in and start fighting against global environmental pollution by recycling plastic!
What are Repair Cafés?
Also with a start in the Netherlands, the Repair Café movement soon found ground in all continents worldwide. Nowadays this network empowers almost 3 thousand regular repair cafes, and inspire much more similar initiatives. Repair Cafés are community gatherings focus on repairing things.
We devoted our energies in organizing multiple Repair Cafés in different villages and towns in our region, further spreading the movement. Our volunteers also helped us in giving training to senior population in troubleshooting and repairing, and brought the Repair movement into the classrooms.
The people behind all of this, our volunteers!
#HackABetterWorld 👌🏻